New Musicians Wanted Seattle Blog

For the very first blog post on the all new musicians wanted Seattle website, we thought that it would be a good idea to talk about what we envision this site to be.

Firstly, the site is geared towards Seattle Washington musicians. We love Seattle, it’s a beautiful city. It is packed full of talented musicians and artists. Which brings us to the second reason why we are here.

Seattle Musicians ClassifiedsThe current Seattle musicians classifieds sites available online today aren’t the greatest. They are full of irrelevant ads that have nothing to do with music. We wanted to create a “Seattle Musicians Only” meeting spot for those of us that live in the city.

This gives musicians from Seattle a central meeting spot where they can find and place music classified ads; Without having to sort through off-topic content. This is the main theme for musicians wanted Seattle’s website. It’s for musicians looking to form or join a band, find open jams, replace a band member or sell their new and used music equipment.

We hope to become the “go to” website for Seattle musicians and artists that want to meet other musicians in their local area. While at the same time, provide some relevant information on the local music scene and promote related local businesses.

So if you are looking for musicians in Seattle, if you are looking for a guitarist, drummer, bass player, singer, keyboard player, horn player or any other type of musicians; Just browse our classifieds ads or place your own musicians wanted/available ad.

This is only the start. We plan on upgrading the site, adding new features and making it a great spot for musicians across Seattle Washington.